Handling Missing Google Adsense Ads.txt File On Website 2024

Today 2kFb news would like to introduce to you an article on how to use a simple ads.txt file to earn high revenue from advertising networks such as (google adsense, google adx, Ezioc, etc.) Missing ads.txt file is a notification you will receive when your website is approved for monetization with google adsense. This will be a warning at the top of the statistics table that income is at risk of being affected and you need to add Google’s ads.txt file to your website.

Today 2kFbnews will guide you how to handle the missing ads.txt file and add it to your website to get the best income, along with turning off this notification.

1. What is google adsense ads.txt file?

In my understanding, this is a form of code that allows Adsense to serve ads on your website better. When you add the ads.txt file, the displayed ads will be richer and more diverse in different topics. You will need more steps because once you reach $10 you will need to enter the google adsense pin code for verification.

When you create your own ads.txt file, you’ll have more control over who’s allowed to sell ads on your site and prevent fake inventory from being shown to advertisers.

Although not required, we recommend using an ads.txt file. This file can help buyers identify fake inventory and help you earn more money from advertisers. Money that could have ended up in the pockets of those selling the fake inventory.

2. How to quickly add adsense ads.txt code to website

There will be many different ways to add ads.txt such as using a plugin or adding directly to the file from cpanel. I will show you how to add the file because too many plugins will weigh down the website and make it more difficult for you to manage.

Step 1: Log in to your google adsense account, right in the income section, the first line will have a message “Earnings are at risk of being affected – You need to fix some problems with the ads.txt file to avoid seriously affecting revenue.” Here, select the line to fix immediately as shown in the picture below.

Step 2: At this point, you will be redirected to the tab of lists of domains added to your GA account. Click directly on the domain you want to add the ads.txt file to.

Step 3: There will now be a piece of code asking you to add it to your website, or copy it to the clipboard and start adding it to the website.

Step 4: Log in to the cpanel running your website to add files => go to File manager => select add a file in the left corner and name it ads.txt as shown below:

Step 5: Then edit this file and paste the code you copied in step 3 into it. So you have finished adding the ads.txt file to hosting, then wait about 24 hours for the system to review and turn off that notification.

3. Summary

If you are not familiar with the operations on the host, you can choose to install the plugin to be faster. Go to step 3 as above, go to the plugin, install the plugin and add the code to save and you’re done.

Above, 2kFbnews has helped you learn about the ads.txt file and how to successfully handle missing ads.txt files for beginners to make money from google adsense . Also, if you have any other questions that need assistance, please leave a comment below and I will assist. Good luck!

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