How to receive Pin code from google adsense fastest in 1 to 3 business days

What is adsense pin code

Do you know how to receive Pin code from google adsense? I would like to share the following 1 to 3 working days ,Getting Google AdSense pin code is a hot issue that many MMO people are interested in when making money with GA.

I have found a quick and completely successful way to get the pin code for those of you who are facing this problem. 

You must understand what is Google AdSense PIN Code?

Simply put, this is a 6-digit code that Google puts in a carefully wrapped envelope when sending to Google’s partners.
Used to verify the identity of a person and not a robot or to avoid the same person using multiple AdSense accounts (policy states that each user will only be allowed to use a single GA account best).
Normally, when sending these codes, they will default to the post office, but these envelopes only have your name and address, not your phone number.
For some of you, most of you will have to wait a long time or send many times and the code still won’t come back, so read my article and go here to see how to handle it.
What is adsense pin code
What is adsense pin code
How to successfully get the Google AdSense pin code
Please refer to this method that I did and successfully resolved this error of not receiving the code. One fine day while waiting to get my pin code, I went to the gate and held the google adsense envelope below in front of my house, quite confused and surprised for no reason.
See also: Handling missing ads.txt file
Then I understood that because there was no contact number, the sender left the correct address at the door, so this method will help you receive the goods successfully.
Step 1: Accessing the account requires entering the pin code, see if the address is correct or can put the neighbor’s house next door.
Step 2: Go online to find the post office number, ask for the post office number in your area and then call there to ask for the post office number assigned to deliver goods in your area.
Step 3: Call this person and tell them that if there is an envelope from Google addressed to that address, they should call you at this number to receive it. If you’re willing, you can send people a small cf fee as a thank you when they contact you (this is up to you, it’s not required as the pin is free).
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Step 4: After receiving the test package, first wash your hands and disinfect, then check a few photos and tear them according to the instructions outside. Enter the serial number into the form and click verify. If successful, just wait for $100 to receive the money to stk.


Above I just shared with you how to quickly and successfully receive Google Adsense pin code for those who are new or are having difficulty receiving pin code. Hope this article can help you and wish you can earn a lot of money from Google Adsense.
I’ve been playing GA for more than 6 years since the first day I joined GA and added millions of websites, but now times are changing, doing anything is difficult, so please follow the policy to have a playground for everyone to develop together. Please. Good luck!

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