Instructions to change Fanpage name before 60 days with 100% success

Change fanpage name within 60 days

Changing the fansite’s name 60 days in advance is being requested by many people on their personal Facebook page, hoping for support.  Below 2kFace  would like to guide you how to successfully change your fandom name 60 days in advance, you can do it yourself completely free of charge.

1. Why should you change the name of your fanpage?

  • The top reason is misplacing the fanpage name and wanting to change it (possibly with wrong characters, accents or capitalization).
  • You change your business direction or change your brand
  • Need to move the page, sell the page to the business and support unit that needs to change its name
Reason for changing fanpage name
Reason for changing fanpage name

2. How to successfully change fansite name 60 days ago

To rename the page successfully, follow the steps I followed with success below.
Step 1: Determine the page name that needs to be changed, remember that the content of the old name and the new name, if possible, should be as related as possible.

Step 2: Access link 281 below to request the system to change the name:

Step 3: There are 2 parts here, you choose the page you want to change name, below write the content of the name you want to change and the reason for changing the name, enter the mantra: “My Domkt page’s official name is Do Marketing, guys Please review and change my name”, remember to change it to my fan name.
Change fanpage name within 60 days
Change fanpage name within 60 days
Step 4: Select the send button and wait 24 to 48 hours to receive an email with results. If done correctly, the approval rate is quite high, over 96% of success.

3. Note when changing the name of a Facebook fan

Currently, Facebook has 2 types of pages: the old page and the new pro5 form, so you should find out clearly before converting to this form. The above method will only apply to the old page format, but with the new page format it is quite easy, just need to switch accounts and change settings as usual.
Note to change the fanpage name
Note to change the fanpage name

If you don’t know how to handle it, you can refer to how to change your Facebook name 60 days before to understand how to do it and handle specific errors.

4. Conclusion

Above, 2KFACE shared with you how to change the fan page name 60 days in advance. If you want to change the name of your personal Facebook page, you can refer to the article on renaming your personal Facebook page 2 months in advance. If you need assistance with other issues, please leave a comment below and I will respond.

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