Instructions for turning on GDPR notices on adsense, Ad google Manager to make money online on personal website

Enable GDPR notifications will appear on the important alerts section of your Google AdSense account, Ad google Manager earn money online on your personal website, you will be asked to enable Google AdSense GDPR notifications Ad google Manager makes money online on personal website according to policy. Accounts that do not enable this feature will not receive revenue from Europe starting January 16, 2024.

Below 2kface will help you learn about GDPR notices and instructions on how to enable AdSense GDPR notices for new users.

1. GDPR Notice What is Google AdSense, What is Google Manager Ads?

The GDPR Notice is a general data regulation notice intended to help qualify users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK) to help collect consent under the GDPR. Data protection for advertising purposes.
  • Affected areas: European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom
  • Description: GDPR is a European data protection law that came into force in May 2018. It is designed to protect the personal data of users in the European Economic Area and applies to all both ad requests and page views generated by users in the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom. There are a number of ways to obtain user consent in affected regions, including using the Privacy and notifications section in AdSense.
For GA players in foreign markets, you should pay attention to these policy announcements to always ensure the safety of your accounts.

2. How to quickly enable AdSense GDPR notifications, the same for Ad Manager

Turning on this notification is not too difficult, but there will be many people who have just started playing Google Adsense and do not understand how to create it, please follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Log in to your GA account, hover over the vertical menu bar on the right and select “privacy and notifications”. Then select the gear icon in the GDPR section as shown below:

Step 2: Here select the notice section to switch to the GDPR tab and add your website domain name as shown below.

Step 3: Next, click on the title, give the notification any name and select the parameters below to match your operating policy.


Step 4: When you choose to export, you will receive a notification that you need to complete items such as: website name, privacy policy url, your website icon (size less than 150kb).

Step 5: Once completed, just click publish and you’re done. If the website does not have a privacy policy, you can refer to domkt’s here.

3. Conclusion

Above, 2Kface has just learned with you about GDPR notices and instructed you how to turn on Google Adsense’s GDPR notices for new users. During this process, if you have any related issues that need support, please leave a comment below and I will respond.

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