URL shortener in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source code

URL shortener in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source code

Welcome to our Innovative URL Shortener project, where simplicity meets functionality in the web application realm. This project is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, introducing a beautiful and user-friendly platform for converting long URLs into short and shareable links.


The user interface has been thoughtfully designed to ensure an intuitive and seamless experience, allowing users to easily navigate through the URL shortening process. With a clean and modern design, the app not only provides a practical solution to shorten URLs but also enhances the overall aesthetic.

URL shortener in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source code
URL shortener in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source code

Our URL shortener leverages the power of client-side technology to deliver immediate results.

Leveraging the TinyURL API, users can quickly generate shortened links with just a few clicks. Incorporating JavaScript enables dynamic and interactive features, such as the ability to copy shortened URLs to the clipboard with just one click.

This project is a testament to the harmonious integration of design and function, providing a stylish and effective solution to the ever-present need for concise and shareable URLs in a technical context number.

You can also checkout these simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript projects:


User-friendly interface: The clear and intuitive interface ensures a seamless user experience. Designed with the user in mind, the layout is simple and easy to navigate.

Instant URL Shortening: With just a few clicks, users can quickly shorten long and cumbersome URLs. The app leverages the TinyURL API to create shortened links easily.

Copy to clipboard: The project includes a convenient “Copy” button that allows users to copy the shortened URL to their clipboard with just one click. This feature enhances user convenience and promotes effective sharing of shortened links.

Stylish design: The project has a modern design, incorporating the Poppins font for a professional and visually appealing look. The background gradient adds a touch of elegance to the overall aesthetic.

URL shortener in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source code

Technology used:
HTML: Used to create the structure and layout of a website.

CSS: Provides styling and ensures designs are attractive and visually responsive. Use Poppins font and background gradients for a modern look.

JavaScript: Enables dynamic and interactive features on the client side. Use the Fetch API to communicate with the TinyURL API to shorten URLs. Implemented functionality to copy shortened URLs to clipboard.

Sample screenshot of the Project:

How To Run?
Download the source zip file provided.
Extract downloaded zip file.
Open the html file and now you’re ready!

In summary, the URL Shortener project demonstrates a seamless integration between design and functionality, providing users with an easy solution to the challenges of dealing with long URLs. The combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript delivers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the URL shortening process.

By harnessing the power of the TinyURL API, users can quickly create concise and shareable links, improving the accessibility and overall readability of their web addresses.

The project’s commitment to a clean and modern design, along with interactive features like one-click copy to clipboard, ensures a pleasing user experience.

Whether for personal use or professional communication, this URL Shortener is a reliable and stylish tool that demonstrates the effectiveness of web technology in solving real-life needs of the digital landscape.

That’s it! I hope this “URL Shortener with HTML, CSS and JavaScript” will aid you on your programming journey, bringing value to your current and upcoming projects.

For more tutorials and free source code, explore our website.

Enjoy :>>
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. Once downloaded, you will need a program like Winzip to extract it.


Note about viruses: All files are scanned by SourceCodester.com once a day for viruses, however new viruses appear every day so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files with your personal virus checker before use.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s, etc.)–only run source code.


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