Instructions for Hiding Number of Likes and Emotions on Facebook Posts

Hiding the number of likes on Facebook is a question asked by many users today. To guide you on how to hide the number of likes on a photo for some reason, please refer to the instructions below.

1.Why do you need to hide the number of likes on your posts?

– The number of likes is small because you often post sales, so if you want to hide it, it will look better
– You are doing business online and don’t want your competitors to win customers by checking who likes your posts
– Or maybe you simply like to hide, just hide :))

2. How to hide the number of likes on Facebook posts

Step 1: Open the Facebook application, select the logo in the corner of the screen, scroll down and select the following settings:

Step 2: Select the search magnifying glass in the right corner and enter the search for “emotion options” and select the following:

Instructions for Hiding Number of Likes and Emotions on Facebook Posts

Step 3: There are 2 sections here, turn on the section below, your article will only show the name of the person who likes the article, not the number of likes and people who like your article every time you post.

Above, 2k Face has guided you how to hide the count of likes on your posts on Facebook. If you have any suggestions or issues that require support, please leave response below. Good fortune!

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