Share Personal Blog Template Blogspot SEO Standards

blogspot personal blog template is an interface for those who want to build a personal blog with blogger on the blogspot platform. If you are looking for a personal template that is SEO standard, has fast page loading speed and is easy to customize, please refer to this interface template.

1. Outstanding features of the blogspot personal blog template

It has a neat and minimalist design style but still has all the functions a personal blog interface requires. With the header bar with the logo in the left corner next to it is the menu bar in the middle and the toggle button to toggle the light and dark mode along with a quick blog search icon bar.
The featured articles category is divided into 3 columns with a nice, neat rectangular size to easily show the content that users want to pay attention to. Below that are categories divided with many different displays that are easy to call up by post labels.
Personal blog slidebar
On the right is a sliderbar that allows new posts or most viewed posts to be displayed, along with comments and categories, labels or a contact form allowing users to access them easily.
Personal blog slidebar
Personal blog slidebar
At the bottom are article categories arranged in 3 columns but 2 harmonious rows according to labels. Along with the footer and background comes a logo and a clear introduction to your blog.

2. Download free blogspot personal blog template

This template is a 100% clean full version that I use for satellite sites to boost SEO. If you like this interface model, please leave your email and I will send it to you to avoid spam like previous models.
Below is a live demo for you to easily visualize and get an overview of your options. In addition, during use, if you have any other related issues that need support, please leave a comment and I will respond.

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